Food and Psychology
Many people these days admit to being totally confused about what to eat. With a whole world of information out there, it is no surprise most people are left in a pickle.
We have become addicted to quick fixes and products that give us the least amount of disruption to our day, but a perfect storm for our health. With busier lives, longer hours at work and less time at home, the whole concept of meal planning, preparation of meals from scratch and families actually sitting around a table to enjoy a meal together, can seem somewhat a distant memory.
Unhealthy habits are easily formed. Convenience foods have become so much more readily available from drive-thru, to take-away, to microwave meals, and sadly seem to be the solution for many in an already stressful lifestyle.
As weight seems to creep on and doesn’t want to leave, many feel at a standstill with their health. Many get swept up in the flashy faddy diets, from cabbage soup diets to only drinking celery juice for weeks, whilst claiming to solve everything. ‘It was on the internet so it must be true’ attitude has got a lot to answer for.
Marketing is also another key topic to touch on here. People are paid a lot of money to make absolutely anything appeal to us. Whether it be for weight loss, anti-ageing, make us smarter, skinnier, taller, you name it, there will be a thing that claims to solve it all for us. But does it?
Diet drinks and refined sugars are the devil. Healthy fats and fresh fruits are not the enemy. Life is for living and enjoying, not constantly being ruled by what we “should” or “shouldn’t” eat.
The psychology of eating and the behaviours that some of us experience around food can be debilitating.
Identifying our relationship to food and learning to work towards a healthy approach can be life changing.
In some circumstances seeking help from a professional is advised.
If you are struggling with your relationship to food and/or unsure of how to nourish yourself, please get in touch. If I, for whatever reason, cannot help you personally, let me recommend someone who can.
I encourage you to make a cup of herbal tea, grab a journal and reflect on how marvellous your body is. What steps might you take to feel more vibrant, more nourished, more energised?
Find me on Instagram @Salthewellnesswarrior or contact me directly on 07894505661.