Walking into winter armed & ready
Winter is here in the Northern Hemisphere and Christmas is coming for those who choose to celebrate it. This festive season can bring up a whole host of physical, emotional and spiritual stirrings, some positive, some not. Thankfully we can influence all of these positively, if we want to.
Taking care of our health and that of others, should be our first priority. You can only be the life and soul of every party, event and night out if all your health ducks are in a row. Nourishing our souls, bodies and minds on a daily basis is key for keeping well. Our health can often come under fire at this time of year, folks often work their butts off throughout the year, operating in ‘survival’ mode. Come Christmas break, they log off from work and BOOM come down with the cold.
I call it the “Christmas Crash!” It is almost as if your body was waiting for you to be home, safe and resting!
In order to avoid being poorly over winter, try supporting your system with a variety of vegetables in soups, stews and curries, fruits and deliciousness from nature.
Yes, we are out of season for some items, hopefully you’ve been picking, storing, freezing some goods. If not this year, get creative with a plan for next winter-like they used to do in the good old days-bottling up preserved fruits, pickling vegetables-great for gut health, and more. I’d love to hear who actually does this these days? Sourcing some local items next year such as wild grown brambles, great on breakfasts, making jam or gift on to someone else that is better at making jam!
Daily check-ins on your mental health are so important. There is nothing wrong with holding your hand up and saying, “I could do with some help’,” “I’m struggling,” “I need a breather.”
When our brains feel wobbly, other things may start to fall off track. Taking a time out, a walk-in nature, a sing along in the shower or in the car, a hot flask of tea at the beach or in the forest, can do wonders for making us get back into the moment.
There are real life emergencies in life, but usually, thankfully, we are rarely encountering them. So check-in with the signals your body is presenting.
If you are in a perceived state of stress, and there is no real emergency, come back to your breath and slow down. Repeat, “I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.”
If you need to talk, email or reach out, please do.
Hydration! Dare I say it, but you don’t have to drink your body weight in alcohol all December long!
Water, on the other hand, is needed for almost every function in the body, daily.
Alcohol rapidly depletes nutrients from our bodies, so be sure to eat nutrient dense foods throughout winter. If you suspect you are not eating as wonderfully as you could and you would like some help or are considering additional supplements as your insurance policy, please ask me for guidance.